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The City Mouse and the Country Mouse


The first European interpreters to travel throughout the great territories of North America often had an urban background. Being city-dwellers, they had been exposed to the many languages and dialects spoken in the coastal cities of northern and western Europe, but also to a wealth of social and human experiences that rural peasants were less likely to experience. Indeed, the tribulations of life in society had prepared them well for dealing with the peoples and nations they would come to know and soon be part of.


On the other hand, the peasants who landed on Turtle Island were often less accustomed to navigating among the customs and languages of the inhabitants of this surprising continent, having had little opportunity to break out of the feudal and communitarian constraints of country existence. 


Because in addition to their linguistic skills and training, interpreters rely first and foremost on their life experience to read the text and, above all, the subtext of the original speech. 

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